Requesting Recommendation Letters

Important Tips from your professors and students:

Your professors are always eager to help you in your quest to enter graduate school or participate in a summer research opportunity. But we do expect you to be well prepared and organized if you need letters of recommendation.

  • Your professors are always eager to help you in your quest to enter graduate school or participate in a summer research opportunity. But we do expect you to be well prepared and organized if you need letters of recommendation.
  • Be organized. Provide ALL materials in a folder at ONE time, and check that everything is there. (Writing “PS: my grades and resume will be in your box next week” – or forgetting to give us a form the school wants us to complete – gives us more loose materials to keep track of. Most of us do not start writing your letter until all the information is in anyway, so it’s best to wait till everything is gathered).
  • If you decide to send more applications out, just ask us and send all the materials we need again. If we still have your accompanying materials (ask us), you may only need to send your new addresses etc. + attachment. Even though the process may be faster as we will already have a letter on file for you, it is a good idea to still allow about 3 weeks or 15 business days.

Remember: Graduate Schools expect to see substantive letters with specific information and details, and your Professors need sufficient time and complete materials to write strong letters for you!



Ask your professor if they have the availability to help you complete your graduate programs recommendations.


Once your professor agrees to help then you will need to submit the following information at least 15 business days before the application is due.

  1. ADDRESSES (with names of individuals to address letter to, if provided). Please list the addresses * in chronological order of most recent deadline first.
    • that is much more helpful to us than alphabetical or random order!
  2. NAME OF DEGREE & DEPARTMENT or SCHOOL (e.g., “M.A. in Educational Psychology at School of Education,” “Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at Department of Psychological Sciences”)
  3. ANY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (e.g., “enclose in official envelope provided,” “requests 2 copies of letter”, “form links”)
    • please give your recommender a hard copy of the above information, and also send professor an E-MAIL ATTACHMENT of this document (We’ll print your addresses on envelopes straight from your attachment, so double-check your addresses).
    • if the school has sent you any Forms or Envelopes for the professor to include, don’t forget to put them in the folder. Paperclip things that go together.
    • check through all Forms carefully: Often, there is a part that you must complete or sign yourself. Be sure to fill in the Professor’s school address: 1200 Academy St. Kalamazoo, MI 49006 and phone 269.337.7331

Here are the accompanying materials you should also enclose in your folder…

  • your SIP title, mentors/advisors, and a brief description of aims and results (or full abstract) of your project
  • your resume (a draft is okay)
  • your grades (an unofficial photocopy is fine)
  • optional: it is very helpful if you include a copy of your Statement of Purpose (a draft is fine), or just a paragraph or two telling us about your career goals and why you have chosen your field


After you submit your information to your professor then please communicate with them on how they would like to notify you if they need more information or to let you know that they have submitted your recommendation.