Political Science is an essential component of a liberal arts education, providing students with the tools to understand the complex world of politics and, in the process, to become better citizens. As a field of academic study, Political Science is both a classical discipline and a more recently developed social science. The study of politics utilizes philosophical, historical, and comparative analysis to examine governments, political movements, politics, and policies. Knowledge of these areas enables students to participate more effectively in the political process while scrutinizing both their own value system and those of others.
In the Political Science Department we seek to provide broad yet rigorous training in the fields of U.S. Politics, Comparative Politics, International Politics, and Political Theory. This training provides a thorough grounding for study in graduate and professional schools (including law school), as well as preparation for public service, nongovernmental employment, civic engagement, and political activism at the local, state, national, and international levels.
Take a look and we hope you will agree — we are a department on the move.